[ concept ]
"gossamer-1" is a painting installation with the machine that is mounted hot melt adhesives and generates the abstract painting automatically. This robot is a simulator of Jackson Pollock and his action painting. Its purpose is to looking Expressionism panting of the 20th century over again. And think of creative action of human.
[ mechanism ]
The machine is hanged from the ceiling. And this part works as a header (like a printer plotter). And a canvas is placed under the header. Four headers have cylinders that keep glue sticks in. They push glue sticks out and melt them, and draws a picture. "gossamer-1" runs by means of sound around the room. The sound of the room are picked up by a microphone, and analyzed with digital sound processor on a PC. "gossamer-1" is controlled by result of its process. For example, Different colors respond to different frequency of sound. Four bands of frequency are compared each other. And it decides which color the machine pushes out. And the upper machine has the swing arm connected with the wire. Then, if attack sounds are detected, it pushes the wire and starts a pendulum movement.
This piece is collaborated work with Yoshito ONISHI (artist).
Incheon Airport is one of the biggest hubs in Asia. Quite a few number of planes take off and land day and night everyday. Planes look almost the same but each has a different route and destination with the people from various parts of the world on board. If we observed each plane carefully, could we get to know the destination? Through this work, we try to find out the destinations of the planes by tracing and calculating the route of each just before landing or just after taking off.
毎日無数の航空機が降り立ち、また飛び去っていくアジア最大のハブ空港、仁川国際空港。航空機の軌道一つ一つが違った目的地を持ち、また違った国籍の人々を抱いて飛ぶ。 航空機の形はどれも似通っていて一目では差は無い様に見える、しかしその無数の軌道を観察してゆくと、風向、視界、天候等自然現象、パイロットの体調、性格、航空会社など様々な要因で微妙な違いが見えてくる。 行き先はどこなのか、時間をかけ軌道を見つめて見る事で事前に行き先の事が分かるのではないか。離発着の軌道から逆算して世界地図を描くことでタイムリープ的体験を得らるのだろうか。少し未来のことをわずかな差異から計算可能だろうか。vector sky mapはそうした欲求を画像処理解析、コンピュータ上の空間設計から提案する。リアル空間とデータベースからなるセカンドネイチャーを観察するためのインターフェイス。
まず私たちは、空港へ行き視界の良いポイントを選び、飛行機の離陸する様子をビデオ定点撮影した。その日に発着するすべての旅客機をあらかじめ調べ、データベースを用意した。 タイムテーブルにより旅客機で撮影した時間から行き先の空港を調べ、データベースと照合する。旅客機の離陸する様子を画像解析し、描く軌道のスプライン曲線を割り出す。そこから得られた三次式を元にインターネット上の空港データベースから目的地空港の衛星写真をひも付け、変形させ表示する。
“Untitled” is a work with the plotter that develops the logistic map to three dimension structure. Proposal of machine that projects complex behavior to form with another diversity. Using a complex phenomenon of “atom” is necessary for obtaining a physical strength for generator of computer. One form of hybrid computing.
DND is audio visual perfrmance. It generates waveforms and graphs by rules(L-System). Built with SuperColider3 & original OpenGL softeare.